Ceanntuigheoireacht6 wrote:
I am a not very good translator but to start
Ritheann sé liom anois
Géillim don uaigneas
Aibhéis mo léin
Cuireadh mo dhóchas trí thine (literal) or "mheath mo dhóchas orm"
Fíoraíodh mo chuid eagla
Táim caithte agat (that last line, I think theres something better.... anyone?)
I like the use of "rith le" for the sense of that translation. I wouldn't have thought of it.
Also, "mheath mo dhóchas orm" is interesting, although I haven't looked into it fully yet. Maybe someone else can chime in on it.
The last line could be rendered so many ways. I've given some possible translations but I'm not sure which one would be best. I'm hoping we can get more people to see this and make suggestions.
You have discarded me. > "Chuir tú i leataobh mé." "Chaith tú uait mé." "Caithfidh tú mé a chur i leataobh." etc.