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PostPosted: Sat 23 Sep 2023 3:22 am 

Joined: Thu 22 Dec 2011 6:28 am
Posts: 463
Location: Corcaigh
djwebb2021 wrote:
Agus a Ade, cad a cheapann tusa mar gheall ar "i gcóír" nuair a chialluigheann sé "in úsáid"? Nách ait an rud é ná fuil sé in aon fhoclóir, nó, b'fhéidir go mbaineann sé le cainnt na Déise amháin? A' bhfuil aon eólas sa mbreis ar an rud so agat?

Níl a fhois agam an bhfeaca an méid riamh, ach mothaím gur nath coitianta é domsa i gcaint. Tá "Cóir, g. córa, f., right, power, ... etc." i bhfoclóir Dinneen. Is dócha go bhfuil sé cosúil le "in (full) force" i mBéarla.

PostPosted: Sun 24 Sep 2023 8:29 pm 

Joined: Wed 20 Sep 2023 9:13 pm
Posts: 172
O.K., I will use the standard word from here on to not start such a big discussion lol :facepalm:

Aċt ṫáim 'ġá ḋeiṁinniuġaḋ go b'ḟuil an ḃríġ úd leis, d'á laġad im' ċanaṁaint-se ḟéinig, aċt nín aon ṁaiṫ le mearaḃall do ċuir ar gaċ aoinne a léiġfeaḋ aon rud a sgríoḃaim-se nó túis do ċuir le díosbóireaċtaí eadarṫa i gcóṁnuiḋe!

I recommend to learn Irish pronunciation on
Scottish Gaelic pronunciation on

PostPosted: Sun 24 Sep 2023 11:44 pm 

Joined: Thu 22 Dec 2011 6:28 am
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Location: Corcaigh
Ceanntuigheoireacht6 wrote:
O.K., I will use the standard word from here on to not start such a big discussion lol :facepalm:

Aċt ṫáim 'ġá ḋeiṁinniuġaḋ go b'ḟuil an ḃríġ úd leis, d'á laġad im' ċanaṁaint-se ḟéinig, aċt nín aon ṁaiṫ le mearaḃall do ċuir ar gaċ aoinne a léiġfeaḋ aon rud a sgríoḃaim-se nó túis do ċuir le díosbóireaċtaí eadarṫa i gcóṁnuiḋe!

Níl aon gá an téarma a sheachaint. Is maith leis an chuid is mó daoine anso a stórtha focal a fheabhsú, agus is maith linn caint fén nGaelainn.

In aon chor, fáilte chuig an bhfórum.

PostPosted: Sun 24 Sep 2023 11:52 pm 

Joined: Thu 27 May 2021 3:22 am
Posts: 1422
Ceanntuigheoireacht6 wrote:
O.K., I will use the standard word from here on to not start such a big discussion lol :facepalm:

Aċt ṫáim 'ġá ḋeiṁinniuġaḋ go b'ḟuil an ḃríġ úd leis, d'á laġad im' ċanaṁaint-se ḟéinig, aċt nín aon ṁaiṫ le mearaḃall do ċuir ar gaċ aoinne a léiġfeaḋ aon rud a sgríoḃaim-se nó túis do ċuir le díosbóireaċtaí eadarṫa i gcóṁnuiḋe!

No. Use your natural dialect. There is nothing wrong with a big discussion of usages - that's what we're here for.

PostPosted: Sun 24 Sep 2023 11:53 pm 

Joined: Thu 27 May 2021 3:22 am
Posts: 1422
Ade wrote:
Ceanntuigheoireacht6 wrote:
O.K., I will use the standard word from here on to not start such a big discussion lol :facepalm:

Aċt ṫáim 'ġá ḋeiṁinniuġaḋ go b'ḟuil an ḃríġ úd leis, d'á laġad im' ċanaṁaint-se ḟéinig, aċt nín aon ṁaiṫ le mearaḃall do ċuir ar gaċ aoinne a léiġfeaḋ aon rud a sgríoḃaim-se nó túis do ċuir le díosbóireaċtaí eadarṫa i gcóṁnuiḋe!

Níl aon gá an téarma a sheachaint. Is maith leis an chuid is mó daoine anso a stórtha focal a fheabhsú, agus is maith linn caint fén nGaelainn.

In aon chor, fáilte chuig an bhfórum.

Yes, Ade, I agree wholeheartedly.

PostPosted: Mon 25 Sep 2023 1:02 am 

Joined: Thu 22 Dec 2011 6:28 am
Posts: 463
Location: Corcaigh
djwebb2021 wrote:
Ceanntuigheoireacht6 wrote:
O.K., I will use the standard word from here on to not start such a big discussion lol :facepalm:

Aċt ṫáim 'ġá ḋeiṁinniuġaḋ go b'ḟuil an ḃríġ úd leis, d'á laġad im' ċanaṁaint-se ḟéinig, aċt nín aon ṁaiṫ le mearaḃall do ċuir ar gaċ aoinne a léiġfeaḋ aon rud a sgríoḃaim-se nó túis do ċuir le díosbóireaċtaí eadarṫa i gcóṁnuiḋe!

No. Use your natural dialect. There is nothing wrong with a big discussion of usages - that's what we're here for.

100% agree. Please do feel free to use whatever Irish is natural to you. Any discussion is only out of interest.

For my part, I love seeing native Irish speakers using their Irish on here. It's the best opportunity to learn.

PostPosted: Sun 05 Nov 2023 5:28 pm 

Joined: Sat 04 Nov 2023 6:55 pm
Posts: 2
Dia daoibh uilig. Ruaidhrí Dhómhnaill a ta orum agus ta mé ag déanú stadéar ar an ghaeilig. Cad é mar tá sibh? D'aimsig mé an fórum seo nuair mhoithigh mé go rabh cean ann. Gabh mo leidhscéal mar cha dtig lum Gaeilig a scríbh go math ach is dóigh lum go bhfuil ardlebheil maith agam sa chánunt labhartha. d'fhódhlum me an chúid is mó dí ó ghaeltacht agus gan ó leabharthaí so chan uil mé go maith len a scríobh, tá mé anseó chon é sin fhabhsú gus chon barraíocht fhóluim i gcoitine agus chun cuidiú le dúiní má táim i n'ann.

le mo 'ainm úsaideora, chan fhuil me 'g iarraidh bhéidh hostile, naimhdeach lesna mórlitreacha. b'fhéidir go bhfuil faighb inteacht le se'an chóras mar nuair bhías ag síniú suas d' úirt sé go rabh achan ainm a thriall me 'n úsáid agus na hainimneacha b' neamhchoitianta fosta. cha rabhas ag déanú go n-oibreochadh ach d'oibrigh an t'ainim seo ar ndoigh

PostPosted: Sun 05 Nov 2023 7:47 pm 

Joined: Thu 01 Sep 2011 11:36 pm
Posts: 680
!!!NOTINUSE!!! wrote:
Dia daoibh uilig. Ruaidhrí Dhómhnaill a ta orum agus ta mé ag déanú stadéar ar an ghaeilig. Cad é mar tá sibh? D'aimsig mé an fórum seo nuair mhoithigh mé go rabh cean ann. Gabh mo leidhscéal mar cha dtig lum Gaeilig a scríbh go math ach is dóigh lum go bhfuil ardlebheil maith agam sa chánunt labhartha. d'fhódhlum me an chúid is mó dí ó ghaeltacht agus gan ó leabharthaí so chan uil mé go maith len a scríobh, tá mé anseó chon é sin fhabhsú gus chon barraíocht fhóluim i gcoitine agus chun cuidiú le dúiní má táim i n'ann.

le mo 'ainm úsaideora, chan fhuil me 'g iarraidh bhéidh hostile, naimhdeach lesna mórlitreacha. b'fhéidir go bhfuil faighb inteacht le se'an chóras mar nuair bhías ag síniú suas d' úirt sé go rabh achan ainm a thriall me 'n úsáid agus na hainimneacha b' neamhchoitianta fosta. cha rabhas ag déanú go n-oibreochadh ach d'oibrigh an t'ainim seo ar ndoigh

Tá sé go maith ar fad, a mhic. Fáilte go dtí an fóram!

PostPosted: Sun 10 Dec 2023 1:26 am 

Joined: Sat 09 Dec 2023 10:59 pm
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Hello! Mise Maolra agus tá mé i mo chónaí i gContae Chorcaí ach ba as Fear Manach (ar an teorainn le Dún na nGall) mo mhuintir. (a recording of my introduction, with possibly shocking pronunciation!)

I am not a native speaker, unfortunately. Despite living in Co. Cork, I am not from here originally! I'm hoping to learn Connemara Irish since my ancestors are 'said to have come from out that way'. The story told to me by the son of a relative who was born in 1880 who said that 'we were brought up here (Northwards) with a landlord' at some point around 1820.

To be honest, I sort of picked that dialect at random given the number of speakers and I've stuck with it, albeit I reckon my Irish is as far away from a Conamara speaker as possible at the moment! I also made that choice before moving to Cork!

I'm a little shy about my accent/how I sound in Irish, as I was not brought up in the Irish education system. I feel that I sound 'different'.

I often head off for walks in An Rinn and Baile Átha an Ghaortaidh, but do not know any native Irish speakers personally sadly.

I think that has been my biggest hold back with Irish: not being able to converse in it with someone regularly, in a natural way (coffee, or a pint, or a text about how the day went!). I speak two other languages relatively fluently, and I enjoy grammar and nit-pickity things!

Good to meet you all!

PostPosted: Mon 11 Dec 2023 10:25 pm 

Joined: Wed 20 Sep 2023 9:13 pm
Posts: 172
Welcome! I’d just like to say the typical Irish education system I think is no asset to pronouncing Irish correctly, so you have a clean slate id say say (if that is the right expression). Usually what’s taught there is terrible, oversimplified and anglicised pronunciation. I think. The quality of the recordings are not the BEST, but I recommend for pronunciation. All native speakers. You can click on Galway specifically and there are a lot for Galway.

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